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Webinar Current Affairs

Would you like to know more about global mobility and the effects of COVID-19? LIMES will catch you up on various subjects and answer your questions during our Current Affairs webinar. Will we see you on June 4 at 16:00 hrs?

During this webinar our advisers will take you through the current affairs regarding work- and residence permits, taxes and social security in relation to COVID-19 and global mobility. It will be an interactive webinar with short introductions, after which our advisers will answer any questions you might have on these subjects.

Among others, the following questions and topics will be discussed.

  • When is your company eligible for the emergency measures (NOW, Tozo, TOGS)?
  • Your company pays VAT and wage tax later. Is this possible and will tax interest be charged?
  • Your employee is forced to work in another country. What are the effects on his/her social security and how will their taxes be arranged?
  • Your employee should be working in The Netherlands but he/she does not have a BSN. What actions should you take as an employer?
  • How could your employee start or continue his/her work in The Netherlands or in the ‘home country’/country of origin without having a valid residence permit?

Furthermore, we will share more information on salary thresholds and COVID-19, as well as new reporting obligations towards the authorities.

This webinar is brought to you by LIMES academy and is free of charge. It is the result of a long-lasting partnership between Expat Centre Leiden and LIMES international. Therefore, when elaborating on the regulations our advisers will use some examples relating to universities, hospitals and Bio Science related companies as well.


16:00 – 16:10 Introduction
16:10 – 16:25 Effects emergency measures & international social security | Jaap Spierenburg
16:25 – 16:40 Tax treaties and their application in times of COVID-19 | Frank Mélotte
16:40 – 16:55 Cross border employment and immigration  | Wytske Wijnnobel
16:55 – 17:00 Closing


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