LIMES academy’s programme consists of physical and online seminars and workshops. In 2024, the physical seminars will take place in Valkenburg near Leiden and in Amsterdam. All seminars and workshops are offered free of charge, because we want to make our knowledge accessible to everyone. All you need to do is register online.

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International social security English Flag

LIMES international Voorschoterweg 23 G, 2235 SE, Valkenburg (ZH)

In international employment, social security plays an important, often underestimated role. Where is the employee socially insured? Is it possible to continue social security in the country of origin? What formalities need to be completed? What happens if the employee needs medical care during the employment abroad? Does AOW accrual [...]

Verdiepingscursus Internationale Aspecten Loonheffingen Dutch Flag

Van der Valk Hotel Breukelen Stationsweg 91, Breukelen, Nederland

Tijdens deze verdiepingscursus, die bij Sdu Licent Academy zal worden gehouden, zoomt loonheffingenspecialist Jaap Spierenburg in op de internationale aspecten van de loonheffingen. Daarbij onder meer aandacht voor belastingplicht van niet in Nederland wonende werknemers, inhoudingsplicht voor niet in Nederland gevestigde werkgevers, internationale sociale zekerheid, de internationale aspecten van de [...]

Immigration English Flag

Van der Valk Hotel Amsterdam - Amstel Joan Muyskenweg 20, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland

International business activities, business travel and cross-border employment have become part and parcel of the dynamic HR world. International mobility also means that you have to deal with rules and legislation from other countries. This brings along unique challenges and questions. Do you have a foreign employee coming to work [...]